White crumbs on black are familiar. Understood, Earth is richer in salt and pepper, can nurture November orchids. Next, mercury beads will birth cacti with thermometer thorns.
Thank you to our 350 poets. We received over 200 poems on October 24th alone. And with over 5200 events in 181 countries, the 24th was the most widespread day of political action in history.
Stay tuned for information on 350 Poems events as we near December's United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact us at 350poems@gmail.com.
350 Poems?
350 Poems is part of 350.org's international day of climate action on October 24th. On this site, 350 poets each contributed a poem responding to climate change in the days leading up to the 24th. As an additional constraint--mirroring the real political obstacles and shortage of time we face--each poem was required to be 3.5 lines in length. The poems were posted in the order they were received.
Why 350? Because that is the agreed upon safe upper limit for CO2 in the atmosphere (in parts per million). We're currently at 387 and rising, close to what climate experts call "the point of no return."
What Else Can I Do?
This is a critical moment: we and our political representatives must act quickly in the less than two months before this December's Conference.